Saturday, July 07, 2007

One year, One month, and One day

Well, since I was unable to have a One year, One month, and One day party (celebrating the time I've been in L.A.), I figured a blog was in order.

To think back to the time I was in New York, or a more drastic comparison - to when I was in Arlington, I would have never imagined how much I truly am going for my dream today. To hear myself update my friends and family of what I'm up to, it's such a foreign concept compared to my life in Arlington. What was I doing there? I would've had SUCH a different life if I had stayed in the D.C. area. Editing at Discovery. Sure, maybe it would've been cool, but there still would've been that longing in me that there was something more. LOL ~ and maybe I still would've come out here thinking that I'll edit in Hollywood and somehow be gripped by an invisible "force" into the acting world. LOL

I am truly grateful to be here in California ~ a place I've wanted to be since I was very little! Everything seems to have and continues to fall in place. Who'd have thought that last July 4th, I would've met the very sweet wife of a Days actor (of course, followed by meeting her husband); the very day that I dropped off my application to my apartment, which is managed by someone who is friends with one of the Days producers, and is now going to help me get on the show (!?!). Apart from that, who would've known that my very first consultant at AIA Studios is still in touch with me today (after I'm on my third consultant) and is now my coach and helping me in tremendous ways with my career path.

From one class to another, auditions here and there for student films and for agents, with each one, I feel my talent growing and emerging, with my last audited class having the instructor (an old soap star, himself) claiming that he really liked what I did, thought I was a talented actress, and "covered" well (haha) - in a good way, but he saw there was more just shimmering on the surface, and he wants to work with me to bring it out.

It's such a different life than what I had imagined it would be one year, one month, and one day ago. ;-) I never knew I could be so committed...but being in this environment, there's so much direct and indirect support. I love having a creative boyfriend; it definitely doesn't hurt! He continuously inspires me, and he's interested and supportive of what I do everyday.

Visiting over a year ago, I didn't completely understand when someone told me that it really is an inspirational place ~ everywhere you go, you hear industry people talking; it's constant creative stimulation. It's exactly what I need to keep me on path and follow my dream!

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