Tuesday, October 10, 2006


A year and a half later, I again ask: Who’s taken over my life??? A year and a half ago, the answer was “Beauty & The Beast.” Now? L.A. (L.A. = work/post production companies). Good thing, right? Yeah, I think so. I can’t keep up with what’s going on or what day it is. It’s been a juggling act, and I really hope that with the juggling, I don’t drop a ball or more. It feels strange to say that my life has been “crazy,” but with the three jobs, an acting class, and scheduling rehearsal outside of class (and keeping that time free), it DOES get hectic! Lo and behold, I AM starting to have some sort of resemblance of a life in California!

Speaking of acting class, I’m feeling so invigorated and so inspired! The “Agnes of God” scene is going well, and with each class performance, our teacher is giving us more to work with, more to play with with our characters. I also attended a free class last Friday called The Actors Instrument. The class had us explore freeing our body and voice, and had us practice focus, relaxation, and imagination exercises. It was fabulous! And just a little while ago, I opened my patio door and overheard a meeting my apartment manager was having with, apparently, some TV writers! Whether it’s amateur or professional, I don’t know…but exciting and inspiring nonetheless!

Somehow, being surrounded by acting (minus the music) is stimulating; being surrounded by music in New York, while exciting, was intimidating. Strange how that is…

I just reread a birthday card from my friend, Randy. It reads: “Wish…and make the wish come true.” Inspiring words. And I need to do it.