Tuesday, July 25, 2006

No means NO!

*Originally posted at blog.myspace.com/charlenevt on July 9, 2006*

Has this happened to anyone?

Through my apt. search in L.A. (even in all other cities), I have never, ever encountered anything so ridiculous.

It all started this past Monday, when i found an attractive ad on craigslist for a Hollywood apartment. The price was right and close to the E! office. But something held me back from writing down the number and calling right away. Looking back over the ads to see if I had missed anything, I ran across that particular ad again. i wondered why I hadn't taken down the info. In rereading the ad, I figured "eh, why not?"

I reached for the phone and called the three numbers I had jotted on my writing tablet. The first call was to the Hollywood apartment. The guy kept me on the phone for a while, asked me what I do for a living, told me about his tenants, told me he's looking for someone who's going to stay for a while. It was a bit awkward being on the phone that long, but it made sense that he wanted to know a bit about a potential tenant.

The next morning, July 4th, I headed over to the apartment, which was still being cleaned and painted. The manager greeted me and remarked that I had "such a nice personality." I took my own little tour of the place. It wasn't bad, but didn't compare to an apt. I had viewed in Studio City the day before. The manager continued to talk up the apt., tell me about the neighbors, tell me that he considers his tenants as "friends/family," show me the front yard with a hammock, the laundry room, and where I would park. As we walked back to the unit, he tells me "I'm going to make a deal for you. Ask me why." Me: "Okay. Why?" Manager: "Because you seem like a nice person. You have such a nice personality." The deal? He lowered the rent and waived the key deposit fee of $50. If I filled out an application right then and there, I could've moved in the following day. He wanted me to call him that EVENING to tell him my decision. Um. Okay. Did he REALIZE that it was the 4th of July and that I might have plans?!? But oh, there were other applicants who are interested. Right.

Towards the end of a cookout in Santa Monica, I stepped away to give the manager a call. Of course, I had decided to pass on the apt. Most NORMAL people would say "Okay, thank you" and say goodbye. No. This guy proceeded to ask me "why" and "what does the other apartment have that this one doesn't?" How 'bout more space, a private patio, and a pool? Oh, but I don't want a pool. I'm no "hoodlum"! I was on the phone with him for over 10 minutes as he tried to convince me to stop by on Thursday once the floors were varnished, and he would make me an even "better" deal.

When I FINALLY got off the phone with him (and he was still talking after we had said "bye"), he called AGAIN! The phone didn't even ring; that's how fast he had called. He left a message saying that he had forgotten to tell me something about this "better deal" he was going to offer me.

The next day (Wednesday), he called. Surprised? And this was after we had agreed to speak on THURSDAY. I didn't answer since the call was marked as "private."

Thursday comes, and Andrew offered to call him and get rid of him. I think he expected it to be a simple "Charlene's not interested. Goodbye." conversation. Yeah. No. The manager was "confused" and didn't know who "Charlene" was. Then he finally "figured it out" and said "Oh, she can't call me herself? Okay. Thank you." *click*

Really, when did apartment hunting become like THIS?

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