Tuesday, February 17, 2009

At Wits End

Maybe I should've trusted my gut. And all I can say is that perhaps tomorrow will unfold to what it's supposed to be. I hope it does because I am so pissed off right now. I feel like it's one thing after another. It started with a notion of "oh, this is the BEST place EVER!" Really? The expectations of my staying and to be part of a "team!" No. I don't like the pressure. And one statement after another makes me feel like I'm being roped into a cult. "Before you know it, you'll know our language!" Umm...I've been around it my entire life, and I still don't speak it...hello?

What's got me miffed? I was just "informed" earlier today that I was going to be instilled into the position of "receptionist" at the place where I'm supposed to be an esthetician. Oh, I'd still do the esthetician job, AND get paid to be a receptionist. Okay, great that I would be paid for those "services," but I did NOT sign up for this. I am PAST that time in my life to be a receptionist, and while they might throw this "team" business at me, they are NOT paying me enough ~ even commission-wise to consider it! My other job pays significantly more, and I'd rather put in the extra time there OR get hired by my dream job.

It's too bad that I have to go in tomorrow to COVER for the receptionist. Stuck there for 5 hours, disgruntled. I agreed to this before they decided that *I* could be the next receptionist. NO! Ughhhh...

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