Monday, April 16, 2007

My Va Tech Hokies...

After the day's events at Virginia Tech (my alma mater for those who don't know), I wanted to share these two pieces of writing. My shock and sadness has left me without words...except for the repeated "this is crazy. this is ridiculous. so surreal. TECH???" I used to LIVE in West AJ! The media's questions have been ridiculous "why didn't you do this? why didn't you do that?" Completely hounding on the "safety" of the campus; asking students aren't they scared? Are they reconsidering going back next year? A majority of students are saying "no, this isn't an everyday occurance." Duh! The media just doesn't get it.

Below is an email from the head of the communications dept. at Va Tech. She describes what the media isn't reporting. And here's a link to a Dateline correspondant/VA Tech alum. She gets it.

She gets it.

Dear Communication Alumni:

I know you share our devastation at today's events. We're in shock.
When the university releases the names of the victims, everything will
become very, very real.

Here's what you can't hear on the news. People around campus took
responsibility for securing areas and protecting students. I can only
share the great response from your faculty. We learned in the Morva
incident to listen to police scanners online at the first sign of trouble.
Events transpire too quickly for the university administration to get
word to everyone nearly as quickly as everyone would hope.

Beth Waggenspack and Emily Stallings pulled a high school Art club from
West Virginia off the sidewalk and into Shanks Hall. We secured them
in a basement classroom until we knew the danger had ended. Beth and
Emily ordered students walking around campus inside. Others facuolty
kept students calm down at the Shultz Media Center. I know similar
efforts were made by faculty and staff around campus. Now, our Student
Affairs staff are bearing a tremendous burden as they notify and support
families of those killed and injured.

I know many of you want to know what you can do. We can only ask that
you keep everyone, especially the victims and their families, in your
thoughts and prayers. As other initiatives develop, and we know they
will, we'll send word.

For now, hug your loved ones.

With a sad, sad heart.


Rachel Holloway, Head
Department of Communication
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061

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